von John Osborne
Ein Drama, das das britische Theater maßgeblich veränderte...
Look Back in Anger entblößt den Zorn der Nachkriegsgeneration in England – eine Wut, die immer noch in den Straßenmeutereien von 2011 spürbar ist.
Vier junge Menschen rebellieren gegen die Wertesysteme der Gesellschaft – und beim Ausleben ihrer Wut treiben sie sich gegenseitig in den Wahnsinn.
Fotos von 'Looking Back in Anger'
Textauszug aus 'Looking Back in Anger'
Jimmy: | Nobody can be bothered. No one can raise themselves out of their delicious sloth. You two will drive me round the bend soon - I know it, as sure as I'm sitting here. I know you're going to drive me mad. Oh heavens, how I long for a little ordinary human enthusiasm. Just enthusiasm - that's all. I want to hear a warm, thrilling voice cry out Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I'm alive! I've an idea. Why don't we have a little game? Let's pretend that we're human beings, and that we're actually alive. Just for a while. What do you say? Let's pretend we're human. Oh, brother, it's such a long time since I was with anyone who got enthusiastic about anything. |